Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Alternative preventive measure against H1N1

Just received email from EW on alternative preventive measure against H1N1. It is from her friend who is studying Chinese medicine.

Use 9 star anise, 6 cups of water, boil in earthern pot if possible and avoid steel/metal pot.

Boil for about 30-40 mins until about 4 cups left. Drink twicely daily over the flu period. Above volume good for 2 adults per day, twice daily, half a cup each time.

For children, half that portion.

Caution though, you may feel dizzy for a few minutes, according to him, this is ok.

To add flavour, add couple of red dates (remove seed before boiling).

According to my ayurvedic master, this flu season is going to last till August. His advice is to build up the immune system and stay away from the beach, where the heat is worse, both coming from the top and the ground.

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