Thursday 25 February 2010

Another fallen warrior - SH

A cousin introduced me to SH, her ex-colleague, when SH and I had our relapses. She was also a breast cancer patient, about my age, and her two kids are younger than mine.

SH was about a year into Tamoxifen when she found out that the cancer had spread to her bones. My cousin had introduced her to ayurvedic herbal medicine, but SH preferred to stick to conventional therapies instead. I understood she had also gone for qigong.

I had met her a few times at the National Cancer Centre when I went for my appointments but had not seen her for the last few months.

My cousin informed me that SH had passed away on 21 Feb, Sunday. Her liver had failed.

I don't know how far her cancer had spread, and I don't know how much chemo she had received, all I know is that she had been fighting the relapse ever since, and it has been more than two years.

Would SH have fared better if she had opted for alternative medicine instead? I wonder.

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