Monday 16 April 2012

Blood test after Xeloda 3rd cycle

13 Apr 2012, took blood test before the start of Xeloda 4th cycle.

Cancer marker now is 97.6, down from 153 taken on 21 Mar 2012, which was before the start of Xeloda 3rd cycle.

I was prescribed 1250mg of Tykerb.  

I saw my doctor on 16 Apr 2012 and she reduced it to 1000mg as the skin on the soles of my feet were peeling off.  It was not in flakes, but whole thick chunks of it.  Actually, I had on my own, been cutting down the dosage and yet this happened.  I can't imagine how much more damage would have occurred had I been taking the full prescription all along.

Chemo drugs are normally prescribed according to a patient's weight which is why the weight is taken before the chemo can be administered.  The prescribed amount stays the same if the weight does not vary by more than 3kg.

Unfortunately, Tykerb is prescribed at 1250mg per dose regardless of the weight of a patient.  I was only weighing about 45kg then.  Was it possible then that I was overdosed?

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