Friday 30 March 2012

Master's Blessings

3 Mar 2012, I had planned to join my dharma brothers and sisters for prayers after a long break as I was sick again.  However, it was not to be.  The side-effects of the chemo drugs caused me to have diarrhea (twice today) and my stomach was very unsettled.  This was very unusual as I normally had it once every few days and only once a day, and usually after that, my stomach would be fine.

7 Mar 2012, I finally managed to go for group prayers.  My Master noticed I was very weak, and before the start of the prayer session, He blessed me.  After that, I realised that I was able to perform the 5-point prostration with the group.  Prior to this, I had not been able to do the 5-point prostration with ease as I was breathless from pleural effusion, and my backbone was weak.

24 Mar 2012, my Master commented that the tips of my fingers had become lighter in tone.  I had not been paying much attention to them as I had brought this matter up to the doctor and was told that darkening of the skin on the fingers and toes was a common side-effect of Xeloda, and that while I was still on the drug, I would still have it.

However, I noticed that the skin on my fingers and toes gradually became lighter until my skin tone was back to normal.  When this happened I was still on Xeloda.

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